SKU: Appraisal
1. Please fill out the form above, (Caution, Note: use this guide for listing the vehicle "condition" click here, then use your back button to return to this page) 
2. Make sure your info is complete. Not enough info can hurt your value.
3. Press Add to Cart
4. We will also require a Photo or set of photos either by Email or Mail.
If sending photos by email please make them small in pixels to save download time. Send to:
If mailing photos please note in the comment area, photos will NOT be returned.

(Please Note: The appraisal will NOT be completed until we have photo(s) for our file and payment information. )

Also do not forget to press "ADD TO CART" once you have saved your Vehicle Information so you may pay for your appraisal. If you are mailing payment, please state that your mailing payment in the owners comment section provided, your saved apprasial will be processed once the payment is received, otherwise with no payment information the apprasial will not be completed and will be deleted. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Please use and submit the form online & do not print the form and mail it, this will delay the process. APPRAISALS WILL NOT BE TAKEN AND COMPLETED BY MAIL. Information must be submitted using the Online Form above, no exceptions.

1. Please fill out the form above, (Caution, Note: use this guide for listing the vehicle "condition" click here, then use your back button to return to this page) 
2. Make sure your info is complete. Not enough info can hurt your value.
3. Press Add to Cart
4. We will also require a Photo or set of photos either by Email or Mail.
If sending photos by email please make them small in pixels to save download time. Send to:
If mailing photos please note in the comment area, photos will NOT be returned.

(Please Note: The appraisal will NOT be completed until we have photo(s) for our file and payment information. )

Also do not forget to press "ADD TO CART" once you have saved your Vehicle Information so you may pay for your appraisal. If you are mailing payment, please state that your mailing payment in the owners comment section provided, your saved apprasial will be processed once the payment is received, otherwise with no payment information the apprasial will not be completed and will be deleted. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Please use and submit the form online & do not print the form and mail it, this will delay the process. APPRAISALS WILL NOT BE TAKEN AND COMPLETED BY MAIL. Information must be submitted using the Online Form above, no exceptions.
